I am so broke…but not really. I always have a "stash"! My "stash" is getting dangerously lower and lower these days and if something doesn't happen soon, there goes the stash.
I was with a friend the other day who was repairing some things in the new building while some other workers, whom I have to pay, are digging and digging and looking to solve another building glitch (huh!) and this friend looked at my face and said "Myra, be patient." I opened my mouth and said "I never pray for patience. It only brings "pruebas", trials to help us be patient. I pray thankfulness! I am thankful for my problems because being thankful brings multiplication. I am thankful because I love the Lord who called me and he loves me and I know all things will work together for good in the end."
I surprised my own self by my response. I see God has been working in me. Being thankful is in me even when its not clearly showing on my face all the time. I have confidence in Him because of His love for me. So forget the "stash". My father owns the cattle on a thousand hills. He's about to sell a few for my benefit!
Matthew 6:33 But seek ye first the kingdom of God, and his righteousness; and all these things shall be added unto you.