Friday, August 10, 2012

Rene's family

This is Jeffrey. He is 7 years old. He cannot walk or talk. He wears diapers and needs assistance to eat. His mother carries him most of the day. When her husband comes home from work he helps.

His parents Rene and Dora are a loving Guatemalan family that has seen their share of struggles but they keep going on. They have two other children Jakeline 3,  and David who will be 2 in November. David is malnourished and cannot  walk as yet. The mother because of a childhood mutilation to her breast cannot give milk and the father’s income is very small. They have medicines that they buy for Jeffrey to control his spasms and now have a special milk they need to buy for David. It is overwhelming!
I met them this month through a referral from one of the families that are part of our ministry. Rene came in lovingly carrying  Jeffrey and told me his story. His wife sat by quietly holding David and lovely  Jakeline just sat and smiled. 

Jeffrey has had a neurological problem since infancy. His body is contorted to the extend that he cannot have therapy because one of his limbs may break. He needs an operation to correct that. He has been taking medicine for over 4 years for his spasms but when he take it his eyes glaze and he appears delirious. The family wants to consult with a private neurologist to see if he needs another kind of medicine. They are currently attending the National Hospital which provides free service but usually does not have the nedications  they have to buy. 

Renee sells dishes, furniture and other household goods  which is not a very secure or well paying job. He earns about $10 a day. He used to drink but three years ago he gave his life to the Lord and has been a faithful family man. Dora, spends her days carrying the two boys from place to place in their rented house with one bed, one table and no chairs. Their youngest son, David, is malnourished and the hospital has prescribed a nutritional milk that is very expensive to buy. Both boys need diapers.

Please pray about helping this family. As a ministry we can provide beans, rice, corn once a month as well as vitamins, nutritional peanut packets and incaperina, a nutritional drink. They need much more. As a ministry we'd like to provide the  special milk for the baby boy, diapers for both boys , incaperina , eggs, oil, vegetables, beans, rice every week. Their special needs costs about $150 a month. We need 6 people who would consistently support this family at $25 a month so their children would have the basic necessities to survive.

We are also looking for a wheelchair for Jeffrey that hopefully we can find here. We are contacting a orthopedic doctor here to see if he would give us his assistance and also a private numerologist. Please pray that we will be able to provide help for  Jeffrey's health needs.