Monday, August 18, 2014

A World view through God's eyes

Years ago my board said I needed to have cable so that if there was an emergency in my country or in the world I would be aware of it. Never did I think that this assess to news would become such a major part of my prayer time.

I  recently changed my Face book profile picture to reflect my prayer support for Christians and other religious minorities being persecuted by Islamic terrorists. I wish there was a profile photo that could express my preoccupation with the state of our world overall.

I see in Missouri a young black man who was recently shot by a white policeman. I don't know all of the facts and have only seen snippets  of the coverage. I did see the video that I believe was him boldly facing down a store clerk over a few dollars of stolen cigars. I can also see in my imagination a young boy with his arms raised, fear in eyes,  pleading not to be shot. What a contrast!

I can see a man who is white pointing a guy at a "criminal" who was walking in the middle of the street thinking perhaps fearfully that "if let my guard down, he will overpower me, so I must shoot him like a wild animal or I'm a goner." I don't know!!

I only know that in the hearts of these two men there is an illusion of right and wrong that is not taught in the Bible. There is a scripture that simple says. "Love the Lord your God with all of your heart, mind and soul... Love your neighbor as yourself." Simple but so not real in this world.

I see a president, whom I did not vote for, but do pray for trying to please man while fighting against the wind on every hand. I pray for his heart to be softened and for forgiveness for his world view that abortion and same sex marriage is the people's right. In part he is correct but in the divine scheme of things he is so wrong.

I see another president (Guatemalan) asking for "money" from the USA to solve the problem of immigration instead of  seeking the face of God for wisdom on how to overcome the disparity of the people, to change the hearts of the delinquents, to give them a future and a hope, to provide the basics of clean water, food and education for all of the people. Money is not the answer. God's wisdom and guidance is the answer.

I see men, religious men, who worship Allah and believe they have a mandate to "convert" the world to their way through murder,  rape and plunder. I pray for them to have an encounter with the real God in the form of Jesus Christ.

For every situation in this world God is the answer. Not the God of our flesh that says we deserve this or that, but the God in whom we find forgiveness when we repent and the Holy Spirit who will enable us to shed His love abroad.

The times are growing darker but the light of Jesus Christ is not getting dimmer. It is burning deep into the hearts of men who are praying for the day when all of Gods people will rise up in one accord in fellowship, harmony, love, and agreement that we are His people, united in love for His purposes,  so that the Kingdom of God will one day dwell forever more in our hearts, minds and souls.

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